Sunday, September 27, 2009

I Did It My Way

I just want to be me through and through-- no holds barred! I have spent the day listening to music that makes me feel good and that inspires me to live my dreams. I would rather be dead if I could not listen to my music when I want to or sing when I want to or get up and dance when I feel like it. I am no longer frustrated with a situation; I am letting go.

I like to be happy, and if things don't always go according to how I expect, I still want to treat people with grace and kindness. I know people can get a lot more with honey than vinegar. But I do not want to be a mouse in a kitchen corner barely making a pip or squeak. I do know that there are some battles not worth picking and that people need to just be. Be who they are. Exist. If I were to critique every move they make, that is not fair to them and vise versa. One of my main goals in life is to be kind and kind-er all of the time. To be revered, ultimately, is to be empowered.

Attraction: sometimes the very thing we are attracted to are the qualities we do not have in ourself. But, somethimes (more often than not) the obesrvations we make that we find distasteful are the very things we have in ourselves. So the truth seems to hurt. If we don't like negativity in others, should that not mean that we also do not like that trait in ourselves, hum? Well, I think that it is true. So how do we get past our own criticisms and change our own faults or learn to accept that fault in others?

At N E rate, I would like to face up and start each morning making people feel good even if they did not give me the right direction, best service or assistance. What sweat is it off my neck to allow them to be human and just roll with the ups and downs of the circumstance? No sweat, no sweat at all to be sweet to everyone. There is no need to bully, boss, scold, raise one's voice, roll our eyes and other things to indicate distaste. If I actually had to taste a lemon it is hard not to make a face. So how do we knidly let someone know that we are uncomfortable, embarassed or threatened by what they do. If we use our normal voice without facial expressions, we are not believed. It is when we raise volume, stomp our foot or show outrage that we usually get the reaction we desire (cater to me or I will raise a stink). Humh.

I think that if enough humans learned to respond appropriately to boisterously-gruff people, maybe they would learn to not throw tempertantrums. [Who on earth has the stamin for this? Not me, I am no Mother Teresa] Does that mean we treat them like parenting books advise us to treat toddlers. Heck no. We are talking about grown-ups. I have heard it is effective to set boundaries and consequences if a line is crossed.

But what does this put at risk?
The end of a business or partnership, loss of a client or relationship?

Sad to say usually yes. (Unless your a married couple who has this figured out.)

A fact of life: People do not have to tolerate negative vibrations. But, if you can't get out of the kitchen with the person, change the kind of heat you are cooking with: Kill 'em with kindness. Coals, hot ones at that, are what kindness can feel like to people who want to ruffle your feathers or get their way by protesting. They tend to be the ones that get more upset, and then eventually, they leave you alone, quit or stop doing business with you. And, you won't mind if they leave when they are abusive whenever they have entered your environment. I always like to see the sign at a counter, "We reserve the right to refuse service."

How can a person stay mad at you if you are nothing but kind? Well they can because it is just who they are. When they continue to be that way, then I guess you have to look for another kitchen to work in. In the mean time, still be kind. Hold your head high and know that you did nothing wrong. [And know that to them, they probably did nothing wrong either.] It's a matter of styles and strategies. Find one that fits you strong enough that you will not be shaken by another persons way of manipulating a situation. Search for the people who lift you up and lift up others around them.

If the checker is having a hard time, show some empathy. If the waitress forgets your request, be gracious since you are not in their skin at that moment.

For God's sake, can't we just be nice no matter what. If a business really messed up, what good does it do to get mad? Does it lower blood pressure like a pressure cooker that is released at it's boiling point? Maybe a little, but the pressure is still high enough to make a screaming scene until the pressure is safely released. Become a slow cooker, and allow your organ meats (mind & heart) to soften your soul and still keep your flavor and savvey. Allow people to lift your lid now and then to smell your aroma and stir your consistency and taste if you are bitter or sweet. The cook might be able to add an ingredient to help your recipe for peace. With any luck you won't stick to the pot by getting too hot.! Or not. It is really up to each of us to handle how we stew. I hope this help give folks food for thought.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Oh my, it has been way too long since I have blogged. Forgive me. (As if, I have readers out there.) I suppose it is highly forgivable since one has to earn a living and life takes over living (or living takes over life). However, I should have hope that someday I could make a living out of writing. I put it off more times than I ought to. I think the movie about Julie and Julia, as well as the recent Trump Blog has me a little inspired. Besides the fact that I am between teaching contracts, it is no surprise that the last time I really blogged was August of 2008 just about the time I got contract for the school year. So there is my batting averge: 1:12 months? 'Sad for someone who has a lot to offer. I would like to make a committment to this but keep thinking I should be making money somewhere. Maybe that is the wrong approach. Maybe I should just blog for the sake of writing. Journaling as if it will help me is recommended by many a self-help books. 'Lord knows I have enough of them. At any rate, I logggged in today, if anything to remember my username and password.

Hope is the key to my dreams. I musn't give up hope. Hope will help me find my way. "Today is the first day of the rest of my life," someone said somewhere.

At a recent teaching interview the last question was "Name the last three books I had read." I just about choked, as I am not a big book reader. The last one I remember reading was The Five People You Meet in Heaven which I am glad I read because it was a tear jerker (the movie did not move me in that way). Then I was stumped. I started racking my brain thinking of how I read more magazines than books. So I told the interview pair that I was not a big fan of fiction and that I read a lot more self-help books. Even then the titles escaped me, so I started rattling off authors' names: Brian Tracy, Stephen Covey, and one author whom I met, Dennis Waitley who wrote the book The Psychology of Winning. Knowing the interviewers were pressed for time, I did not get a chance to tell them that Dennis was MaryLou Rettan's psych-coach who helped her durning the Olympics. I did not dare tell them that I met him at a Trump Seminar and that I have a lot of Donald Trump's books and Robert Kywosaki's book.

So, I just said, "I hope self-help books count." They said something to the effect that they did. When I started naming authors with confidence, they started writing as fast as I was talking. So I could not have done too bad, and I do believe they recognized the names of these authors. If anything, it was a way of letting them know that I am into psychology and what makes people tick which is an important skill for a teacher to possess.

This leads me to say that I need to committ to something. I would like to commit to writing but I have not been able to keep that promise even to myself. I think of all the things I want to write and feel daunted. I should thing small and tackle one writing project at a time. If I could simply review one self help book at a time that would be a major accomplishment because I literally have a house full of them.
If I wrote an inventory of what I have, you'ld think I was a bookstore owner or a Friend of the Library. I do love books; I just wished I loved reading them as much as having them.

I have loved science books and psychology since a young age. And now that I have made that statement, it does seem like my life won't be complete if I just sit on these reams of insight. I need to "DO SOMETHING!" as the emotioncon say when we wave over them with our mouse. If I tackled one book at a time, it would take the rest of my life. The quesion is will it be worth it? Will I get a following? Can I make a living? Or would it just be for personal satisfaction? No one knows the answers to these portences. But we never know much until we "Do it." [Nike]

Enough of my ramlings, I need to get focused now and write another letter of intent for a school district. My hope is that I get hired for the rest of the school year and do a great job as a teacher. I am a teacher through and through; it is what I do best.

I will get back here to rest and reflect.

Taking Control - The Trump Blog

Taking Control - The Trump Blog

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