Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Journey Stepping into the Sunshine is written by Kaoru Shinmon, a guy from ....Venice.. ..California..... His journey is now a book of hope. He was born in ....Hawaii.... and came here to follow his heart and pursue his dream to write screenplays. His journey, as is our, is to find positive purpose in our daily life. This book is filled with inspirational stories to help people give thanks, stop worrying and start living. There are charming memories of Kaoru's from his quaint encounters with famous people who he reminds us are human too. He also sings for several unsung heroes and heroines that are like "angels" who should not be taken for granted. When the sun comes up in the morning, he gives reason for us to say "Good morning." He has learned from key people in his life that "there are no accidents in life…." If your life has been turned upside down, or this economy made a turn for the worse in your path, this book will help you get back your "mojo" (magnetic quality).

If I were to sum up Kaoru in one word it would be Namaste. According to Wikipedia, "Namaste is a common spoken greeting or salutation originating from India It is a customary greeting when individuals meet, and a salutation upon their parting." In Yoga Journal, Aadil Palkhivala's states: "The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. "Nama" means bow, "as" means I, and "te" means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means "bow me you" or "I bow to you." There is no doubt that Stepping into the Sunshine is a salute to all of those who know or want to know more about its author, Kaoru Shinmon whose name has a special meaning discovered within the book on his journey.

I commend Kaoru for what he does for humanity in his daily walk. He is just like anyone of us. Even he will tell you that it has been a challenge to change his self. He learned what he had to do: "Remove yourself, become what you aspire to be." He has had to steer clear of toxic relationships. And he has learned "When you see a person, see them as a human being in need…." How do you feel or respond when someone ask you "How are you?" in passing. Do you know if they really want to know? In most cases they don't want to know. Not so with Kaoru. He makes a point of saying, "How is your day going?" And, he will look into your eyes or leave droplets of words to let you know he cares about your soul and wants to know the answer, truly.

If you want to see what I am talking about go to http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/54514

I can attest to Kaoru's sincerity based solely upon his writings and recognition of hard times. See, I am one of the 20 to 25% of the population that has been downsized. I am a teacher of 16 years, who was derailed from massive state budget cuts. I did not worry about giving up tenure. I never had trouble getting a teaching job before and am successful getting the toughest of students motivated. So in part of my journey to adapt, I became adept with social media in 2008-2009. I became friends with Kaoru Shinmon on a few sites. We are both authors. His words have always been uplifting! When I teach I have very little time for pleasure reading. But the Internet gives us ability to read snippets with a purpose, to get to know people or subjects. The subject I like most is "getting to know people." I particularly wanted to get to know the person who has the ability to make people smile over many miles around the world. So, it is an honor to read and review this book about "Kaoru, My Journey Stepping into the Sunshine" and leading the way for others to do the same.

It is Kaoru's benign vulnerability and honesty that lends to clarity in his life, and he wants us to have the same peace in our human condition by Stepping into the Sunshine. He shows us how in this state we can be "synchronized" with "everything in life having its place and time." This truth is found in the bible. In the book of Ecclesiastes, Chapter 3, God's word states, "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." So for what it may be worth Kaoru acknowledges that "For many of us life has changed with the time…leaving many people depressed and without hope." This book helps us not despair.

With regards to our despair, we must keep our wits about us when all around us many may be losing theirs. Kaoru shares the calm and clarity he has witnessed of people who learned from Buddhism. It is certain, "If we destroy something around us, we destroy ourselves…." The stories in this book prove that you can protect the light that is in you and bring light out of others. Some stories illustrate that one has to have wisdom when to walk away from or let go of those who cast darkness on people.

If you need hope now, go to http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/54514

Stepping into the Sunshine means not allowing others to destroy you! "Do not let someone else's bad day become yours." "Don't let fear stop you from doing what you soul dreams of doing." The cliché from Nike is not over-rated, 'Just Do It.' Kaoru sheds light into this book from Richard Collier, "…Turn your dream into a reality by changing your mind-set…Remove from your life what keeps you from being who you want to be." Stepping into the Sunshine includes lessons from Dr. Deepak Chopra, "…Don't fear problems; seek solutions." And, if you want to take one of the biggest lessons from this book, "DISCOVER THE MEANING OF RANDOM EVENTS…." It actually reminded me of the Celestine Prophecy coming true in Kaoru's life and how it can be true for us too.

You can get this as an e-book at this link: http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/54514

Stepping into the Sunshine will help you see that "…if you are truly happy, other people won't be able to bring you down by their judgments…." It is your "courage" that will make you able to change (under go "metamorphosis"). If you get help before you are ready like a caterpillar being cut out of the cocoon too soon, you won't be able to survive and fly. But on the other hand, don't be afraid to ask for help; don't let "pride and ego" get in the way of succeeding. Here's a key point, "…learn about life from living…." Find a mentor who knows what it takes to reach the ring! Kaoru is a positive role model to me and many other people to be positive to others and make people smile.

When you ease through this book, Stepping into the Sunshine, Kaoru has "prayers" to help you through heavy times in the day of a life. He brightens your journey with simplicity that he has learned on the road in his life. There are tips and techniques in this book from gratitude to thinking of new ways to achieve, to paying attention, to breathing, contributing to society, to letting go so that things can "flow", to meeting people in your field, to encouraging yourself when in self-doubt. Let your words have enough "power" to magnify your "convictions" and ignite you to take action. Be patient with yourself: Kaoru reminds us that "It takes time to live up to your potential and find your purpose." When you are in a slump, "walk" into the sunshine; "read" something that brings sunshine into your day especially when it is cloudy; "listen" to music that makes you take steps into the direction of your desires.

Here's the deal with dreams and dream-makers, as Mariah Carey sings, "…Don't let anyone take yours away." Kaoru believes whole-heartedly, "Nobody has the right to tell someone to give up on their dream…." When the fruits of our labor are not yet visible, he encourages us to trust "that the seeds we have planted are germinating beneath the surface and will soon sprout with new opportunities." And lastly, the messages in this book are demonstrative of the lives Kaoru Shinmon has touched, and that you, too, can positively touch the lives of others daily when you "step into the sunshine."

I highly recommend this book because it made me "smile," a lot even in these hard economic times. This book is about what really makes life rich. It'll put you in the right frame of mind and bring a smile to you too.

You can get it now by going to http://www.smashwords.com/books/view/54514

Contact Kaoru here on Mypace, Facebook or his website

Book Review written by Kathleen Herriott, California Certificated Teacher, author, and public speaker.